The World Food Forum 2024: Good food for all, for today and tomorrow.
Youth Assembly

Youth Assembly for a Better Food Future

Let’s create a true movement of change in the policy dialogues surrounding food and agriculture.

Young people are already taking action to transform our agrifood systems — from the local to the global level, from projects to advocacy, from entrepreneurship to culture, and so much more. The WFF Youth Assembly connects and empowers young people around the globe with different backgrounds to discuss their local priorities and challenges, and identify innovative and actionable solutions for a better food future.


Throughout the year, the Youth Assembly set the basis for the meetings which will take place during the WFF flagship event in October 2024.

Simultaneously, we organize consultations with a variety of different youth groups including young farmers, Indigenous youth, and young scientists to feed into a Youth Action Compendium that presents a strong and united youth perspective on the future of our agrifood systems. In 2024, the WFF will zoom into local action and needs through the establishment of regional compendia, with a particular focus on climate change and access to healthy diets.

Get involved

Everyone is welcome to take part in our activities throughout the year. Whether you are part of a youth organization looking to collaborate, or an individual seeking to support the organization of events, there is space for everyone to get involved. The WFF operates on the grounds of inclusivity and transparency.
