The World Food Forum 2024: Good food for all, for today and tomorrow.

Here's Your Chance to Influence Regional and Global Policy. WFF Launches the Youth Action Survey


In 2021, the Youth Action Assembly produced the Zero draft of the Youth Action Compendium, which synthesized the global youth policy priorities that were identified through an analysis and summary of youth statements and manifestos throughout the globe.

To take into account unique regional contexts and to ensure inclusivity in our policy asks as young people, in 2022 the Youth Action Assembly will draft regional youth action policy compendiums that will set the foundations for our future activities. These regional youth action policy compendiums will serve as advocacy tools to indicate youth priorities in the regions, and will be presented to national governments, FAO/UN regional offices and WFF partners. They will offer both the current vision of young people and ways forward that can put words into action for the positive transformation of our agrifood systems.

To identify these regional priorities, ahead of the Youth Action Assembly to be held in October, the WFF team will analyse regional youth manifestos and consultation outcomes to capture the discussions that have taken place.

Entering the next phase, the WFF is thrilled to launch a youth survey. The survey is open to everyone who wants to share their opinions about agrifood systems. We want to make sure that every youth voice counts! Survey participants will be invited to vote on the policy priority areas identified in the Global Youth Action Compendium, provide inputs on actions that can be taken, and identify how meaningful youth engagement in policy spaces can be sought and facilitated in the different regions. The survey will take between 10-20 minutes.

Take the youth survey now.
Let your thoughts be heard!

The survey will be open for inputs until 30 June and it will then be followed up by 6 regional roundtables to be held virtually in July. The results of the research synthesis and youth survey will serve as the basis for discussion to identify and agree upon the first set of regional youth policy priorities and recommended actions.

The agendas and guiding questions will be posted on this page soon. Sign up to receive updates.

The outcome of the survey and roundtable discussions will be presented at the WFF Youth Action Assembly during the flagship event from 17-21 October 2022, for a concluding consultation and finalization.

Are you part of a youth organisation?

  • Have you already conducted a youth consultation? Share your outcomes with us and/or present them at the regional consultations.
  • Co-host with us. You can co-create consultation materials and guiding questions, moderate a break-out room, and help synthesize the final report.
  • Present the regional compendia with us at the WFF flagship event in October.

Partner with us by e-mailing [email protected]